CONJURE CODEX breaks new ground in presenting inter-related material from a range of traditions, embracing ancient cultures, the grimoires, New World traditions and others; by publishing new translations and rare texts alongside accounts of work in these traditions, and elucidations of them. We invite contributions including new translations and analyses of operative systems of spirit magic from around the globe.
- Editorial
- Old Wizard by Jake Stratton-Kent
- The Paladins of Earth and Fire by Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold
- The Tree of the Grimoires by Humberto Maggi
- Modern Grimoiric Evocation by Michael Cecchetelli
- The Comte de Gabalis by Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars, English trans. anon. with an introduction by Jake Stratton-Kent
- The Great and True Natural Secret of the Queen of the Hairy Flies, trans. Brendan Hughes, with addenda by Jake Stratton-Kent
- Language of the Birds by Humberto Maggi
- Infernal Conjure Craft by Chad Barber
- Lessons from Ginen by Drac Uber
- An Interview with England’s Most Notorious Necromancer: Jake Stratton-Kent talks about his practices and beliefs
- Nefarious Occult Dealings: Necromancy, Ghosts and Spirit Expeditions in the Graeco-Roman, Hoodoo and Vodou Magical Traditions by Kim Huggens
Artwork by Johnny Jakobsson, Audrey Melo, S. Aldarnay & V. Midian.
Cover art by Johnny Jakobsson.
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