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“Revolution is like Saturn, it devours its own children.” -Georg Buchner


The 7th luminary of the firmament, Saturn is the last of the classical planets.  Saturn has been known through history as the planet of discipline, responsibility, death, shadow, and boundaries. Saturn’s voice is a quiet one, but when you listen to it, everything flows. When you don’t, Saturn pushes you with tough love to face the challenges you have been ignoring and helps you gain clarity during hard life lessons. Saturn is a guide through the darker aspects of ourselves. It helps us through shadow work and breaking bad habits by teaching us the value in creating boundaries and structure. Because of its rule over limits and boundaries, Saturn can also be called upon for protection and binding magic.


Made with black cat hair, mandrake, vetiver, patchouli, pewter, and much more

Uses: bring order, structure, discipline and boundaries, manifestations in the physical plane

Carrier oils we use are fractionated coconut oil, sweet almond oil, mineral oil and olive oil.

Saturn Oil by Calamus & Honey

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