“The Enochian Magic practiced by the Hermetic order of Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley, and later magicians is significantly different from how the system was conceived of by John Dee. Even those who work the system from modern perspectives should understand how it was birthed. The last twenty years have seen an unprecedented amount of scholarly research into grimoires, magical texts, and famous magicians of the past. Joseph Peterson was at the forefront of this movement and remains the leading scholar in the field. His dedication to updating his own research and publications is invaluable. This book is not just a fancier version of the older edition; it’s a true update that reflects changes in his own thinking and new research that has been done by others. Anyone interested in Renaissance Magic, or Enochian Magic, will want this on their shelf.”
—Jason Miller, author of Consorting with Spirits and other books and courses
Mysteriorum Libri Quinque: Dr. John Dee's Five Books of Mysteries